Paul Brains' Most Excellent listing of Common Errors in English Usage

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  • A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

    A 100s 360 degrees a / an A.D. ala AM / PM abject able to about absorbtion abstruse / obtuse academia accede / exceed accent marks access accessory accept / except accidently accurate / precise acronyms and apostrophes acrossed actionable / doable actual fact / actually ad / add ad nauseum addicting adapt / adopt administer / minister administrate admission / admittance adopted / adoptive adultry advance / advanced adverse / averse advice / advise adviser / advisor advocate for aesthetic / ascetic affect / effect affluence / effluence Afghan / Afghani African-American afterall afterwards / afterwords agnostic / atheist agreeance / agreement ahold / hold aid / aide ain’t aisle / isle all all and all all be it all for not all goes well / augurs well all of the sudden all the farther alleged, allegedly alliterate / illiterate alls allude / elude allude / refer allusion / illusion allusive / elusive / illusive almost along the same vein alot aloud / allowed already / all ready alright altar / alter alterior alternate / alternative altogether / all together altho, tho alumnus / alumni amature ambiguous / ambivalent ambivalent / indifferent American amongst / among amoral / immoral amount / number ampitheater analagous ancestor and also and / or anecdote / antidote angel / angle another words antihero anxious / eager any more anyone / any one anytime anyways anywhere anywheres apart / a part apiece / a piece apostrophes appauled appraise / apprise apropos / appropriate Arab / Arabic / Arabian around / about ascent / assent arthuritis artic artisanal / artesian as as best as as far as as follow as less as possible as of yet as per as such as time progressed ascared ascribe / subscribe asocial aspect / respect assure / ensure / insure asterick astrology / astronomy aswell at all ATM machine athlete athiest attain / obtain attribute / contribute aural / oral auger / augur autobiography / biography avaidable avenge / revenge avocation / vocation away / a way awe, shucks awhile / a while ax axel / axle

    B back / forward / up in time backslash / slash backup / back up backward / backwards backyard / back yard bad bail / bale bailout / bail out baited breath baldfaced, boldfaced ball / bawl barb wire, bob wire BAR-B-Q, barbeque bare / bear barter / haggle base based around, based off of basicly basises bazaar / bizarre beat / bead beaurocracy beckon call began / begun begs belief begs the question behaviors being that belief / believe belief toward below table bemuse benefactor / beneficiary beside / besides better between between you and I beyond the pail bias / biased bible bicep biweekly / semiweekly blatant blindsighted / blindsided block / bloc blunt / brunt boarders / borders boast your confidence bonafied bonds / bounds bored of born / borne born out of borrow / loan borrow off both both / each bought / brought boughten bounce / bounds bourgeois bouyant bow brainchild brake / break brand names brang, brung breach / breech breakup / break up breath / breathe breeches bring / take Britain / Briton broach / brooch broke / broken brunt / butt brussel sprout build off of bullion / bouillon bully pulpit bumrush but . . . however butt naked buttload buttox by / ’bye / buy by far and away

    C cacao / cocoa cache / cachet caddy-corner call the question callous / callused calm, cool, and collective Calvary / cavalry can goods Canadian geese cannot / can not canon / cannon can’t . . . too canvas / canvass capital / capitol caramel / carmel carat / caret / carrot / karat careen / career caring carousal / carousel cast in stone Catch 22 catched / caught Caucasian CD-ROM disk ceasar cease the day / seize the day celibate / chaste celtic cement / concrete censor / censure / sensor / censer center around center of attraction cents ceremonial / ceremonious chai tea chaise longue chalk-full Champaign / Champagne chauvinist Check chemicals Chicano / Latino / Hispanic chrispy chose / choose chuck / chunk Church chute/shoot cite / site / sight classic / classical cleanup / clean up clench / clinch cliché / clichéd click / clique climactic / climatic close / clothes close proximity closed-minded coarse / course coffee clutch coiffeur / coiffure cold slaw coliseum / Colosseum collaborate / corroborate collage / college collective plural Colombia / Columbia colons / semicolons coma / comma come with commas company names with apostrophes compare and contrast compare to / compare with complement / compliment complementary / complimentary comprised of concensus concerning concerted effort confident / confidant / confidante conflicted / conflicting feelings confusionism congradulations connote / denote conscience, conscious, consciousness conservativism contaminates / contaminants continual / continuous contrary / contrast contrasts / contrasts with conversate copywrite / copyright coronate core / corps / corpse costumer / customer could care less could give a damn could of / should of / would of council / counsel / consul couple / couple of cowtow Crackerjacks crafts credible / credulous creeped / crept crescendo / climax crevice / crevasse crick / creek criteria / criterion criticism critique / criticize crochet / crotchet / crotchety croissant crowbar / wrecking bar crucifiction crucifix / cross cue / queue currant / current curve your appetite cursing through veins cut and dry cut and paste / copy and paste cut of tea

    D dairy / diary damped / dampened damp squid dangling and misplaced modifiers daring-do data dateline / deadline day in age daylight savings time de rigueur deal dealed death nail debrief deceptively decimate deep-seeded defence definate deformation / defamation defuse / diffuse degrade / denigrate / downgrade degree names deja vu democrat / democratic demure / demur denied of depends depravation / deprivation depreciate / deprecate desirable / desirous derisory / derisive desert / dessert deviant / deviate device / devise dew / do / doo / due dialogue / discuss dieties differ / vary different than differently abled, physically challenged dilemma / difficulty dike / dyke dire straights directions disasterous disburse / disperse disc / disk disconcerning discreet / discrete discretion is the better part of valor discussed / disgust disease names disgression disinterested / uninterested dispose / dispose of disremember disrespect dissemble / disassemble do respect do’s and don’ts doctorial / doctoral doesn’t supposed to dolly / handcart dominate / dominant done / did donut double negatives double possessive doubt that / doubt whether / doubt if doubtlessly / doubtless douse/dowse dove / dived downfall / drawback download / upload dozen of drank / drunk drastic / dramatic dredge / drudge / trudge drier / dryer dribble / drivel drips and drabs drive / disk drug / dragged dual / duel duck tape due to the fact that duly / dully dyeing / dying

    E e.g. / i.e. each early adapter earth, moon easedrop ecology / environment economic / economical ecstatic ect. -ed / -t needs -ed / -ing eek / eke efforting ei / ie either / or, neither / nor either are / either is eighteen hundreds / nineteenth century electrocute elegy / eulogy elicit / illicit ellipses email embaress emergent / emergency emigrate / immigrate eminent / imminent / immanent empathy / sympathy emphasize on emulate / imitate end result enamored by endemic / epidemic engine / motor English / British enjoy to enormity / enormousness enquire / inquire ensuite ensure / insure enthuse entomology / etymology envelop / envelope envious / jealous enviroment epic / epoch epicenter epigram / epigraph / epitaph / epithet epitomy eponymous equally as error / err -es espouse / expound / expand et al. ethics / morals / morale ethnic ever so often every every since everyday everyone / every one everytime evidence to evoke exact same exalt / exult exasperate / exacerbate excape / escape exceptional / exceptionable excrable exhileration exited/excited exorcise / exercise exponential expressed / express expresso expresses that / says that extend / extent extract revenge

    F factoid fair / fare faithful / fateful far be it for me farther / further fastly fatal / fateful faze / phase fearful / fearsome Febuary Federal (capitalization) feelings for / feelings about feint / faint fellow classmate female / woman 50’s fiance / fiancee finalize fine toothcomb firey first annual firstable fiscal / physical fit the bill fittest fixing flair / flare flak / flack flaunt / flout flesh out / flush out floe/flow floppy disk / hard disk flounder / founder fluke flys focus around followup font / typeface foot / feet footnotes / endnotes for / fore / four for all intensive purposes for free for goodness’ sakes for one / for one thing for sale / on sale for sell for sure / sure forbidding / foreboding / formidable forceful / forcible / forced forego / forgo foresee / forsee forever / for ever formally / formerly forward / forwards fortuitous / fortunate foul / fowl fourty fowl swoop framework / groundwork Frankenstein frankly French dip with au jus freshman / freshmen from . . . to from the beginning of time fully well fulsome -fuls / -ful full proof / foolproof functionality furl / furrow fushia

    G GP practice gaff / gaffe gamut / gauntlet gander / dander gaurd genius gender genuine get me Ghandi gibe / jibe / jive gift / give gig / jig gild / guild goal / objective god goes gone / went gonna good / well got / gotten got to government graduate grammer grasping for straws gratis / gratuitous gray / grey greatful grevious grill / grille grill cheese grisly / grizzly group (singular vs. plural) ground zero grow guess who? gull / gall gut-rending/heart-wrenching gyp

    H had ought hadn’t have hail / hale hairbrained hand and hand handicap / disability hangar / hanger hanged / hung hanging indents Hanukkah, Chanukah hardly hardly never hardy / hearty hark / hearken HIV virus he don’t heading / bound heal / heel hear / here hearing-impaired heavily heighth help the problem hence why herbs / spices hero / protagonist heroin / heroine hew and cry highly looked upon / highly regarded him, her / he, she Hindi / Hindu hippie / hippy his and her’s hisself historic / historical an historic hoi polloi hoard / horde hock / hawk hold your peace / say your piece hole / whole holocaust homophobic home page hone in hors d’oeuvres how to humus / hummus hundreds / century hyperdermic hyphenation hyphens & dashes hypocritical hysterical / hilarious

    I I me myself -ic idea / ideal if / whether if not if I was / if I were ignorant Illinois immaculate conception / virgin birth impact impactful impertinent / irrelevant imply / infer in regards to in route in spite of / despite in store in terms of in the fact that in the mist incase incent, incentivize incidences / incidents / instances includes incredible incredulous / incredible indepth Indian / Native American individual infact infamous / notorious infinite inflammable influencial ink pen input in route in shambles in spite of / despite insight / incite install / instill instances / instants insundry intend on intense / intensive intensifiers intercession interest interment / internment Internet / intranet interface intergrate intermural / intramural / extramural interpretate into / in to intricate / integral intrigue invested interest invite / invitation Iraq ironically irregardless is, is islams isn't it, innit Isreal issues itch / scratch it’s / its

    J jack / plug jam / jamb jerry-built / jury-rigged Jew / Jewish jewelry job titles John Henry John Hopkins joint possessives judgement junta just just assume

    K key kick-start kindergarden knots per hour koala bear

    L l / 1 l / ll LCD Display laissez-faire land lover languish / luxuriate large last name / family name late / former later / latter laundry mat lay / lie layed/laid laxadaisical/lackadaisical leach / leech lead / led least / lest leave / let legend / myth lense less / fewer less painless lessen / lesson let alone lets / let’s liable, libel liaise libary light-year lighted / lit lightening / lightning like like for likker listserv “lite” spelling literally little own little to none lived loath / loathe login logon lol long story short loose / lose loser / looser lot, plenty, load (number) lozenger lustful / lusty luxuriant / luxurious

    M MAC / Mac macabre maddening crowd magic bullet / silver bullet majority are / majority is majorly make due make pretend mantle / mantel manufacture marital / martial marshall marshmellow mash potatoes mass masseuse / masseur material / materiel mauve may / might maybe / may be me either mean / median meantime / meanwhile medal / metal / meddle / mettle media Medieval Ages mediocre medium / median methodology / method memorium meteor / meterorite / meteoroid mfr. / mfg. mic midrift might could might has well might ought militate / mitigate mind of information miner / minor minority minus minus well mischievious mislead / misled misnomer misplaced stress mixed-up media molten/melted money is no option Mongoloid mono e mono moral / morale morays more importantly moreso most always motherload motion / move Mount Fujiyama much differently muchly mucus / mucous multipart names mumble jumbo, mumbo jumble music / singing must of mute point myriad of myself

    N n’ name, pronoun nauseated / nauseous naval / navel near neck in neck needs -ed / -ing neice Nevada nevermind new lease of life next, this next store nieve niggard ninty nip it in the butt no sooner when no such a thing Noble Prize none nonplussed noone not not all not all that not hardly notate / note nothing (singular) notorious now and days nowheres nuclear number of verb numbers nuptual

    O O / zero object d’art obsolescent / obsolete odd of of ___’s offense offline oft chance / off chance often oggle OK Old English old fashion old-timer’s disease old wise tale on accident on the lamb on the same token on tomorrow once once and a while one of the (singular) one-dimensional one in the same one of the only ongoingly online / on line / in line only onto / on to op-ed open opportunist oppress / repress oral / verbal orders of magnitude ordinance / ordnance Oregon organic oriental orientate ostensively outcast/outcaste over-exaggerated oversee / overlook overtake / take over owness

    P PSS page / site pair (number) pair / pare / pear palate / palette / pallet par excellance parallel parallelled / paralleled parallelism in a series paralyzation parameters / perimeters paramount / tantamount paranoid parentheses parliment partake / participate passed / past past time pastorial passive voice patience / patients pause for concern pawn off / palm off payed / paid peace / piece peak / peek / pique peal out / peel out peasant / pheasant pedal / peddle pedal to the medal pen / pin penultimate / next to last peoples per percent, per cent percent decrease percipitation pernickety / persnickety perogative / prerogative perpetrate / perpetuate persay persecute / prosecute personal / personnel personality perspective / prospective peruse perverse / perverted phantom / fathom phenomena / phenomenon Philippines / Filipinos phoney / phony physical picaresque / picturesque pickup / pick up picture PIN number pinned up pit in my stomach pith and vinegar plain / plane plays a factor playwrite plead innocent pleaded / pleated please RSVP plug-in plus / add podium / lectern poinsetta poisonous / venomous point being is that point in time point of you pole / poll pompom / pompon poo-poo populace / populous pore / pour possessed of, by, with prosperity / posterity practice / practise practicle pray / prey precede / proceed precedence / precedents precipitate / precipitous precurse predominant / predominate predominately preemptory preferably prejudice / prejudiced pre-Madonna premier / premiere premise / premises prepone prepositions (repeated) prepositions (wrong) prescribe / proscribe presently pretty primer primevil principal / principle prioritize priority proactive probably prodigy, progeny, protégé program/programme proof is in the pudding prone pronounciation prophecy / prophesy prostate / prostrate protagonist / proponent protray proved / proven psychologist / psychiatrist / psychotherapist / psychoanalyst pundint purposely / purposefully

    Q Q / G quantum leap question / ask queue the quick and the dead quick claim quiet / quite quote quotation marks

    R RBIs RPMs racism rack / wrack raise / raze rampart / rampant ran / run random rapport rate of speed ratio rational / rationale rationale / rationalization ravaging / ravishing / ravenous recreate reactionary / reactive readably real / really realtor reap what you sew reason because rebelling / revolting rebut / refute recent / resent rediculous redo it over redundancies reeking havoc refrain / restrain refridgerator refute / reject regard / regards regime / regimen / regiment regretfully / regrettably reign / rein reknown religion religion believes religiosity reluctant / reticent remotely close remuneration / renumeration reoccurring repel / repulse replete / complete reply back report into repungent request / ask resign / re-sign resignate resister / resistor respiratory respond back restive retch / wretch reticent / hesitant retrospective / retroactive return back revelant revert / reply revert back revolve / rotate revue / review rhetorical questions ridged/rigid riffle / rifle right / write / write right of passage ring its neck ringer / wringer Rio Grande River risky / risqué road to hoe rob / steal rod iron, rot iron role / roll rollover / roll over romantic rondezvous root / rout / route rouge / rogue rubbage Rueben ruff rural rye / wry

    S sacred / scared sacreligious safety deposit box sail / sale / sell salsa sauce same difference samwich / sandwich sang / sung sarcastic / ironic satellite say / tell scarcely sceptic / skeptic schizophrenic sci-fi scone / sconce Scotch scotch free scrapegoat sea change seam / seem seasonable / seasonal / unseasonable / unseasonal second of all seen / saw segway select / selected self-steam self-worth sense / since sense of false hope sensual / sensuous sentence fragments sergeant of arms service / serve set / sit setup / set up shall / will shan’t / shall not shear / sheer sheath / sheaf sherbert shimmy / shinny shined / shone shoe-in shone / shown shook / shaken should / would shoulder on / soldier on shrunk / shrank shutter to think sick / sic Sierra Nevada Mountains signaled out silicon / silicone simplistic single quotes sister-in-laws skiddish slight of hand slog it out slow gin sluff off snuck so / very so fun soar / sore social / societal sojourn / journey sole / soul somebody / someone sometime / some time sometimes not always somewhat of a somewheres song / work or composition sooner sooner than later sort after sort of sound byte soup du jour of the day sour grapes souse chef sowcow spaces after a period spaded / spayed span spare of the moment specially / especially specie / species spicket spiritualism spoke / said spree squash / quash squoze staid / stayed stalactites / stalagmites stand / stance standalone states / countries stationary / stationery statue of limitations step foot stereo stint / stent stock and trade stomp stood / stayed straight / strait straightjacket straight-laced strength stress on stricken / struck strong suite subject to / subjected to submittal / submission substance-free substitute with succeed / secede suffer with suit / suite sulking / skulking summary / summery suped up supercede supposably, supposingly, supposively suppose to supremist suspect / suspicious suspicion / suspect surfing the Internet swam / swum systematic / systemic

    T table tad bit take a different tact take and taken back / taken aback tattle-tail taught / taut taunt / taut / tout tenant / tenet tender hooks tentative than / then thanks God thankyou that / than that / which that kind theirselves them theory there’s their’s they’re / their / there therefor / therefore these are them these kind these ones they / their (singular) think on this here/that there though / thought / through threw / through throne / thrown through a mirror, darkly throws of passion thusfar thusly tick / tic timber / timbre time period times / multiply times smaller tirimisù today’s day and age to / too / two toe-headed to home to the manor born to where today’s modern society tolled / told tooken / took / taken touche tounge tongue and cheek tore / torn torturous / tortuous touch bases tow the line toward / towards track home tradegy tragedy / travesty transition tremblor tripple trite and true troop / troupe trustee/trusty try and turn into/turn in to tussled / tousled two to tangle

    U UFO ugly American The Ukraine unchartered / uncharted unconscience under the guise that undermind under weigh underestimated underlining undo / undue undoubtably unkept University of Indiana unpleased unrest unthaw untracked upmost upto urine analysis use / usage use to used to could utilize

    V vague reference vain / vane / vein vapid / vacuous various vary / very veil of tears vendor veracious / voracious verbage verb tense verse / play against verses / versus very sort of, very kind of very unique vicious / viscous circle / cycle video vinegarette vintage point virii visually impaired / blind vitae viola / voila volumptuous

    W wail / whale wait on walk the talk wander / wonder warmongerer warrantee / warranty wary / weary / leery was / were wash wax way ways weak / week weather / wether / whether weather forecast calls for weiner wench / winch Wensday went / gone we’re / were were / where wet your appetite whacky / wacky what wheat wheelbarrel whenever / when where (and prepositions) whereabouts are where it’s at wherefore whether / whether or not whilst / while whim and a prayer whimp whip cream whisky / whiskey who / whom who’s / whose a whole ’nother whole-hardily whose-ever wile away -wise within / among woman / women wonderkind wont / won’t working progress World Wide Web worse comes to worse worser would have wrangle / wangle wrapped / rapt wreckless write me writting

    X Xmas / Christmas

    Y ya’ll ye yea / yeah / yay year end and year out ying and yang yoke / yolk you you better you can’t have your cake and eat it too you was your / you your guys’s yourself your / you’re youse you’ve got another thing coming

    Z zeroscape zero-sum gain zoology

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