Christian Belief
& Understanding


Study to show thyself approved
unto God,
a workman that needeth
not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.

2 Timothy 2.15

h sola scriptura g sola fide g sola gratia f soli Christo g soli Deo gloria!

Does is matter what you believe?  Does is matter why you believe it?  Yes!  It matters... what you believe will determine how you look at and live out the Scriptures.  If you've never considered your beliefs about grace, eternal security, predestination, salvation, etc., etc.; and if you're unsure about what and why you believe, pray!  Then read on and pray for understanding!

Does it matter what John Calvin and other "Calvinistic" teachers teach/taught?  Does it matter what Jacobus Arminius and other "Arminian" teachers teach/taught?


Short Biographies from Douglas Wilson

G e r a r d   G r o o t e — (1340-1384) was the Dutch founder of the Brethren of the Common Life, a lay renewal movement committed to Biblical preaching, ethical living, translation of the Scriptures into indigenous, vernacular languages, and widespread classical Christian education for the poor. Nearly every one of the Reformers would ultimately be educated in one of his schools: Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Melancthon, Bucer, and Beza.

W i l l i a m   T y n d a l e — was the father of the English Bible and one of the great lights of the Reformation, but at the same time is not as well known as some of our other reformed fathers. He was martyred near Brussels, and his last words are reported to have been a prayer for God to open the king of England's eyes.

J a n   H u s (1373-1415) — was a Czech professor and preacher who served as a forerunner of Protestantism; the link between John Wycliffe and Martin Luther. He was the dean of the philosophy faculty and rector of the University at Prague where he introduced the ideas of Wycliffe and Groote to his students, launching a movement which would culminate in Lutheršs great protest at Worms.

J o h n   C a l v i n — the greatest of the Reformers, spent the majority of his life exiled from his native France in Geneva, Switzerland. As pastor, counsellor, theologian, preacher, and professor, Calvin became one of the most dominant forces in the history of the world over the past 500 years, a remarkable life.

M a r t i n   B u c e r (1491---1551) — was the father of Reformed church government, a pioneer in recovering distinctly Biblical forms of worship, and the primary theological and personal mentor to John Calvin. His ideas had a formative impact on the developing Church of England, greatly influencing the revision of the 1549 Book of Common Prayer.

W i l l i a m   W a l l a c e  was one of the most amazing characters in history a man of incredible courage and strength, a leader of the Scottish people during the terrible times of English oppression in the 13th century. Wallacešs life is an incredible story of a man who without wealth or noble birth, rose to become Guardian of Scotland.

R i c h a r d   H o o k e r was a leader in the Elizabethan Church of England. He lived from 1553 to 1600, and was a defender of the Elizabethan settlement. A thorough Protestant, he was also a capable defender of moderate episcopacy.

J o h n   W y c l i f f e — "The Morning Star of the Reformation." A great scholar, prolific writer and translater of the English Bible, this man stood against the abuses and corruption of the Church and called for true holiness and faithfulness in the face of great opposition.

T h e o d o r e   B e z a (1519 to 1605) — was a great scholar, and a friend to John Calvin. In 1558 he was called to Geneva to teach Greek there. After the death of Calvin, he was appointed as Calvin's successor, leading the Geneva Reformation. As with many of the reformers, his gifts and insights have been greatly misunderstood.


    When people talk of such things, you may wonder what you really believe... 
are you an Arminian or a Calvinist?

On Calvinism: what and why we believe  (piper)
Separation of the Church (spurgeon)

Arminianism is the belief that man has the free ability to choose or reject Jesus Christ on his own will.  The name comes from Jacob Arminius. The church of the Reformation up until the 1800s for the most part wasn't "Arminian" but instead was "Calvinist" (named after reformer John Calvin), which is generally the opposing theology.  To better understand Calvinism, see the different pages above (top).

Arminianism can be divided into five points that correspond to the established five points of Calvinism

Deprivation - Human beings are sinful and without God, incapable or deprived on their own of being righteous; however, they are not irredeemably sinful and can be transformed by God's grace; God's preeminent grace restores to humanity the freedom of will.

Conditional Election - God, looking down the corridors of time has elected and predestined those to salvation whom He had seen to have faith in Jesus Christ.

Unlimited Atonement - The effects of the Atonement are freely available to all those whom He has chosen, which includes all humanity, "whosoever will."

Resistible Grace - While God's grace is free and offered without merit, human beings have been granted freedom of choice by God and can refuse His grace.

Assurance and Security - There is security in God's grace that allows assurance of salvation, but that security is in relation to one's continued faithfulness; one can still defiantly reject God. 

e f e f e f e f e f e f e f e f

You may even hear people joke about preferring to be a tulip rather than a daisy... He loves me, He loves me not, He loves me, He loves me not............. 

Truly, though, you can rest in the fact that you are saved by grace through faith and that, not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works lest any man should boast.   Aren't you so thankful it's *all* Him?!?!?

e f e f e f e f e f e f e f e f

Some more... know what and why you believe...

Project Wittenberg   (Luther)



On the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) & the teaching of its founder; numerous public statements been made.  These generally focus on its main 'home-education' program: Advanced Training Institute (ATI).  I will sincerely caution you to examine or prove all things and hold fast to the good.  I include just a few of the numerous articles that have been written.  You can and should---no, MUST---study for yourself.

Neil Anderson



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