Family - 2008
spurling family 2008
This is our family photo...
we added in a photo of Timothy who is a missionary in Ghana, West Africa
and Daniel's family... the inset photograph was taken this past summer
while we gathered at the Oregon Coast for our annual family reunion.

Just 4 months following Wes's heart attack, we spent a few days on holiday recounting events, births and blessings of children, milestones and a myriad of marvelous and difficult days... such that we counted that anniversary  celebration especially blessed and were (and are) all the more grateful to the Lord for His merciful kindness to us through all these years!
wes&pamela30 years

We celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary on February 4th, 2008

 kathryn wes   family arch cape
Wes & Kathryn - And most of our children at our family reunion - Arch Cape, Oregon in August 08

samuel baptism samuel baptism
samuel josiah
Wes had the privilege and joy of baptizing four of our children this past summer at the Believer's conference north of Deer Lake in Eastern Washington.  The first photo is Samuel (18) and then Stephen (15) Joseph (13) and Naomi (12)

We have no greater joy than that our children walk in Truth.
stephen baptism  Stephen baptism
stephen joshua

It was a tender time of repentance, of commitment to the Lord Jesus and obedience to walk in His ways.

joseph baptism  Joseph baptism
joseph elisha

  naomi baptism  naomi baptism
naomi anna-noëlle

kathryn village
Kathryn in Uganda - Spring 2008

Kathryn is a Nanny for two local families -
she continues to serve the LORD in this way, in
addition to helping many other families, she
still plays piano beautifully and is, as always,
a great blessing to our whole family.


baptizindora baptizin' Dora
Timothy... a missionary in Ghana, West Africa
(I try to update Timothy's pages as I receive letters from him)  We talk by phone occasionally and we have recently had the privilege to use Skype to talk by computer - with the webcam.  Amazing.

Wes continues to do contract work on swimming pools... with his business of 24 years!  Where has the time gone!?!?
Alpha Omega Pools

pamela pilchuck pamela pilchuck
My half-birthday hike to the summit of Mt. Pilchuck!
I was determined to make that climb to the top and stand on that rock... and what a thrill to make it to the top!
It was sort of a symbolic climb for me as I begin the second half century of my life.  :o)
i will praise him still

klahayadaysparty  klahayadaysparty2
Here are a couple of photos from our annual KlaHaYa Days Backyard party... we annually have this party for family and friends to enjoy an evening of relaxing, eating, watching fireworks and generally 'reconnecting' with old friends. From our first year in this home, we've used the annual "KlaHaYa Days" local festival as an opportunity to have this party.  Some friends we only see but once a year!

we praise the LORD for family and friends, for the Love of the Lord Jesus and a place to call home.

The day before my 50th Birthday, we took the Mukilteo ferry
over to Langley -- just for glimpses of daffodils
and a mocha at the
Useless Bay Coffee Company

pamela useless bay

It was a wonderful day!

I have been saying that
had I known 50 would be so sweet,
Iwould have wished to get here sooner!!
kg birthday cake
Kathryn made this chocolate torte
chocolate cake with chocolate
mousse and ganache filling!
girls On the morning of my 50th birthday, our daughters, Kathryn & Hannah (with their helpers Naomi & Amelia) prepared a lovely tea party for me
and my mother
and step father, and my mother in law.

It was really a
sweet day!

Then in the evening, I was treated to dessert at the Cabbage Patch restaurant in Snohomish.

 pamela's 50th birthday plane ride 3  pamela's 50th birthday plane ride 2
Kathryn arranged for me to have an scenic airplane ride!  I'd never been up in a small plane before!!
It was truly amazing to me how effortlessly we just flew over so many beautiful places in such a short time!
pamela's 50th birthday plane ride     pamela's 50th birthday plane ride 4

bouquet  bouquet2

bouquet 50th  flowers from nancy


me mother and mother


summer   © 19992009   PO Box 2130 Snohomish, Washington 98291 USA

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