For This Purpose
Sandy Willoughby
Routines! These are blessing my life in such wonderful ways! I wrote
in a previous letter on how I am doing the whole Flylady system and it is
coming along. Are we “there yet?” No:-) … not quite “there” yet. The good
thing? We are on the way!
Our family has been busier than ever before as we deal with some things
going on outside of our home. I’m learning to take these times into
consideration and will do as much as I can in the meanwhile.
Here is a brief update!
So far, the kitchen sink stays clean and wiped down for a majority of the
time but I am still working on this. We have so many people coming in and
going out right now that this has affected my sink shining. I will make a
greater effort this week to keep both the main and the side sink nice and
Hot spots have taken over my home as we make the last minute touches to the
kitchen remodeling and work around some other “room changes”. We moved my
office area into a corner of our bedroom and I think it goes much better
here. The distractions are drastically cut down and I’m keeping the desk as
clear as possible to keep things looking neat.
I’m handling these “hot spots” by attacking the ones with the highest flames
first! Once these are under control I can beat the others out:-) … 5 to 15
minutes every so often can do wonders!
My morning routine is going okay but I’d like to hone it in some more. I
make the bed as soon as I get up, dress down to shoes (unless I can’t find
them that morning!) *unless I take a shower* brush and floss my teeth, do my
facial routine, wipe down the sink, swish the toilet, and take dirty clothes
to the laundry room.
The laundry gets started and coffee is started.
Now… is my quiet time.
I read my Bible and write prayers down in a journal.
This is the most important time of my day. It is during this sacred time
when I am nourished by a living Word far higher than anything else. It has
truly become the joy our Lord promises!
“But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day
and night.” Psalm 1:2 NASB I have included more Bible reading into my before
bed routine and it soothes my soul for a sweet night of rest after a full
Having a little one (who also shares our bedroom and his baby bed is right
next to my desk!) does change the morning routines sometimes. I might do my
quiet time before ANYthing else on some days or the length of time spent
will vary according to baby’s waking times. This is okay and precious for
they grow beyond “morning snuggles” so quickly that I welcome the soft
little head nestling under my chin and resting on my heartbeat.
The afternoon schedule is still being worked out right now. We have home
school, meals, errands, and various other activities to be a part of.
Evening routines are coming along. We are getting things winded down a
little better as we go. Efforts are still being made to have the kitchen
totally clean (still some remodeling going on) and I have missed several
moonlight baths:) and hitting hotspots still need to be included. Hopefully,
God will equip me with all I need this week to tie some more homemaking
strings together!
Our clothes are so de-cluttered that we’ll have to start buying some to have
enough! This sounds strange but I’ve come to realize over the years that
keeping anything that I don’t truly love to wear is crazy. If I don’t feel
good in something it is not practical for me to keep it! I am down to maybe
3 pants, two short sleeved shirts, three long sleeved shirts, two dressy
outfits for church and more, and some pj’s! The pajamas were the hardest to
de-clutter bec/ I LOVE them! Regardless of how fond I felt towards my sleep
time wear… I am down to one pajama shirt! As God blesses us along the way, I
will add a piece of clothing at a time until I have an adequate wardrobe but
it will be filled with just enough and only those items I LOVE wearing. I’m
excited on this new “adventure” and look forward to what great finds God
will lead me to as I travel it!
I’m only doing Zone work (detailed cleaning in certain zones ---one each
week or so) as I have time right now but I hope to improve in that area too.
Monday’s Weekly Home Blessing (doing a list of cleaning chores not done
daily) is done according to time and events around here so hopefully I will
tighten up the reigns on this one little by little.
The control journal is something I have a challenge using. I have it set up
and on a kitchen counter but I use it more for addresses and phone numbers
than I do my routines. I think this is mainly because I have memorized
almost everything and I don’t take the time to check off each thing since so
many tasks are done together.
The Office-in-a-Bag I was given as a gift from a dear friend has become a
great tool! I have some things to add (stamps, mini-stapler, and such items)
but it is proving useful for keeping bills together (I purchased a Budget
Book and Bill Organizer and they both fit nicely in the OIAB) and keeping up
with correspondence. I bought another notebook that I think I’ll put the
address book into (to put in the OIAB) and keep the control journal just
with routines in it and menus with grocery lists.
I’ll share how that goes as I make it all fit:)
It is my desire with all of this homemaking activity to work as unto the
Lord. I want things to run in such a way that I can follow the Will of my
Father in all areas. When the home is in order… the family is blessed.
Hospitality is a gift to the giver as well as the guests when all is well in
the home.
A clean and well-run home means no running around in the mornings or any
time people need to leave. Clothes are out and ready to wear and it all
takes off from there.
Quiet times (Bible reading and prayer) can actually be serene since the
pressing “to-dos” of the day are planned out.
Meal times are more pleasant because the rushing around is only done when
carrying out a plan… not in question as to what to do or make or find!
Family time is peaceful when the focus can be on enjoying each other’s
company instead of cleaning up entire rooms before we can. So much is better
when things are routinely done bec/ every area receives attention regularly
and nothing can build up to mountain heights!
“And for this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which
mightily works within me.” Colossians 1:29 NASB
Blessings upon you, blessed homemakers. Whatever your own routines are and
whichever style of home management you choose --- may you do it with God as
your guide!