Your Daddy Is Always Your Daddy

I believe God has given us an innate desire to call Him Father and to worship Him and trust Him as Lord. He does this by giving us the instinct and urge to look up to our fathers and love and be loved by them no matter what they are really like. Even on a subconscious level, we are always trying to win our father’s approval and love even when he has passed on. For good or bad, Father can influence our thinking and our self-esteem. Depending on how our father measured up to our need for love and esteem, so will our behaviour be- even into adulthood. It will definitely affect how we view God as Father. But no matter how much our fathers fall below the mark in being good fathers, we will still yearn for their love and approval- because your Daddy is always your Daddy! My daughter and her partner split up once and my 2 year old grandson was missing his Dad- especially at night-time! Now there is too much personal stuff to discuss online, so suffice it to say that his Dad is not a very nice person- however to his kiddies, he is King! Anyway, we were minding her kiddies one night and the little guy was dead tired. He climbed up onto Chris’s knee and rubbed his hand up and down the hairs on Chris’s arm and tried to put his hand down his shirt front to feel the hair on his chest. Chris swivelled him around so that he could settle. He did this because our grandson has been sleeping with his Daddy since his birth and now misses that masculine touch to go to sleep with. It was a very emotional moment! It is sad when adults have to go their own way. But I am sure that when the dust settles and they see their father again, their love for him will still be the same. For to a child, Father can do no wrong! Because God wants us to see Him as a loving Father, He has placed that paternal love in our hearts so much, that no matter what transpires, we will even subconsciously still love our fathers no matter how much they have failed us. We are all one in this- because we all know that your Daddy is always your Daddy no matter what!

© Glenys Robyn Hicks


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